Specialist SEND Teacher

Becca - Our Specialist SEND Teacher

Specialist SEND Teacher support for Families


Being a Parent in the SEND system can be isolating, confusing and overwhelming.

Everyone wants what is best for their child, but sometimes it can be hard to know what that means in practise.

You are getting through the day-to-day things, trying to inform yourself about your child's needs and adapt, whilst also learning the language and skills to navigate a whole new world of SEND processes.

Maybe you are struggling along without much support from services, on a waiting list, or not meeting criteria for referral at all, but the whole time you can see your child struggling.

Perhaps you have been told your child is getting what they need in school or at Nursery, but you have a niggling concern?

Perhaps you'd really appreciate someone taking a bit of time to explain all the jargon to you?

Maybe you'd like to talk through what you are going to say at a meeting at school or Nursery with someone who understands the situation?

Perhaps you'd really appreciate someone taking a bit of time to explain all the jargon to you?

Maybe you are looking at website about SEND processes, but you can't work out what applies to your situation and what you should be advocating for?

Our Specialist Teacher Becca has experience of the systems around your child, as a Teacher and SENCO, and as a Parent. 

We can support you to navigate the system, whether you need some advice and guidance or want someone to support you through the EHCP process.

Initial EHCP discussion – up to 30 minutes FREE

A free call with our Specialist SEND Teacher to gather information and help you decide if the EHCP process is right for your child. This is a no obligation call and you do not have to go on to take up any services with us, though we can discuss these if you would like us to.  

SEND Clinic Service: Personalised 1:1 Meetings with a Qualified SENDCo

£65 for an hour

Would you love to have some time with someone who just understands the system and also understands your perspective as a Parent/Carer of a child with SEND?

Do you find it hard to get hold of your child’s SENDCo? 

Do you require unbiased information on how to navigate the SEN system?

Are you finding it difficult to have your child’s needs understood?

Do you want to talk through if your child requires an EHCP?

Do you feel your child needs support but not sure what that might look like?

This service is an hour of time with our Specialist Teacher to cover any SEND-related topic you wish, for well-informed unbiased practical support when you need it.

Requesting an EHCP needs assessment  


Costs of this package can be spread out over up to three payments, we are happy to discuss this with you

We will work together with you and your setting to create a thorough, detailed and evidenced request to the local authority (LA) for an Education Health Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) or ‘Family Conversation’. This will increase the likelihood of the request being successful and a full needs assessment taking place.

This will include:

·      Meeting with parents / carers to gather information

·      Requesting and including school/setting based information and information from health and any other services

·      Submitting a completed and quality checked by you Family Conversation

·      Current provision map (a thorough overview of the interventions and provisions your child already accesses), and future planning of what else is needed to better support your child’s needs.

Reviewing a Draft EHCP following a Needs assessment 

You have applied for an EHCP and the Local Authority has sent you a draft. Do you know what you are looking for to make sure you have a high quality plan that will actually meet your child's needs and support you to hold services accountable?

It’s essential that your child’s EHCP adequately describe their needs and provision so that they receive what they need and so that school/setting can see their needs reflected in their funding. 

You cannot necessarily assume that a draft EHCP accurately reflects the professional advice that has been given, or whether the advice is always sufficiently specific to make for a supportive and enforceable document 

We can help you to make sure that your child's EHCP meets their needs

Costs of these packages can be spread out over up to three payments, we are happy to discuss this with you

If needs assessment request was submitted by Find the Key SLT

Where Find the Key SLT has submitted the request for an EHCP then we will complete a thorough check of the Draft EHCP to ensure that all the strengths and difficulties described in the needs assessment are included in the draft, with appropriate outcomes and specific provision relating to each identified area of need.

·      Discussion with Parents / carers

·      Check reports obtained from the needs assessment.

·      Produce a feedback document of any concerns or changes to be made by the LA before finalising.

·      LA liaison for updates to be made.

·      Guidance on naming a potential setting.

If needs assessment request was NOT submitted by Find the Key SLT

Where Find the Key SLT has not requested the needs assessment we can still complete a thorough check of the Draft EHCP to ensure that all the strengths and difficulties described in the needs assessment are included in the draft, with appropriate outcomes and specific provision relating to each identified area of need.

·      We check all information submitted as part of the request for a Needs assessment

·      Discussion with Parents / carers

·      Check reports obtained from the needs assessment.

·      Produce a feedback document of any concerns or changes to be made before finalising.

·      Local authority liaison for updates to be made.

·      Guidance on naming a potential setting.

We can support you to navigate the process of deciding on whether your child needs an EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan), applying for an assessment, and making sure your child’s EHCP reflects their needs and strengths

Applying for an EHCP is an important decision for your child that is very time-consuming. Many families going through this process will not have had experience of doing this previously - we will support you through the process and understand how important it is to get things right for your child
Not sure what an EHCP is and whether it’s something you want to consider? Here’s our blog to get you started.